I encourage 2013 applicants to contact me regarding TOEFL speaking classes. If you start preparing for TOEFL in the fall, you should be able to finish by January or February. Then you will be in a very good position to finish GMAT by the summer of 2012 and apply for first round admissions.
There are already 2013 applicants on the waiting list and I will give them priority starting in October. We already have four 2013 applicants who have hit 100+ on TOEFL and are starting GMAT. These guys will do very well in their MBA admissions because they are preparing early.
I strongly recommend that you study TOEFL and GMAT sequentially: TOEFL first, GMAT second. It is very difficult to do them at the same time. The only similarity is the vocabulary. The strategies are completely different.
The wait list for 2012 applicants is pretty long, and it's unlikely that I will be able to accept more.
NYU Class of 2025 LINEグループのお知らせ
8 months ago