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Monday, October 14, 2024

Capitalization and Comma Errors

Here are the answers to the "Common Mistakes" handout this week. Corrections are mostly in red:

  1. I saw beautiful coral reefs and yellow, red, and blue tropical fish.

  1. I like to watch CNN nNews on YoutTube.

  1. I saw a short video about the origin of the universe on the TED tTalk app yesterday.

  1. I like the characters, especially Elsa, and songs, such as 'Let it gGo.'

  2. I watched famous comedy movies, such as "Breakfast at Tiffany's.. (The period goes inside the quotation marks)

  1. So, I watch entertaining movies, especially heroic movies or adventure movies, like 007.

  1. Shuri-jyo was built in the 1400s.

  1. She was a faster swimmer than I was, and she inspired me to practice hard every week.

  1. People often make mistakes, so it is necessary to double check reports.

  1. We practiced throwing, running, and tackling everyday after school.

  1. So, I agree with Francisco.

  1. Also, I did yoga and swam, like freestyle and breastroke, at the fitness club.